14th edition of the India Tex Trends Fair was inaugurated in Tokyo, Japan by His Excellency Sibi George, Ambassador of India to Japan in presence of Ishii Taku, Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Government of Japan, Yoshitaka Sasakawa, Advisor, Japan India Industry Promotion Association (JIIPA), senior AEPC functionaries, other dignitaries and representatives from apparel brands, retail chains, etc.

Delivering his inaugural address Sibi George said, “I congratulate Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) and Japan India Industry Promotion Association (JIIPA) for the exemplary effort in organising this biggest apparel fair in Japan. Under the India- Japan Strategic partnership there are 1500 success stories and my target is to take this number to 15,000. For this to happen, we need a quantum leap and textiles is one important sector which can help us achieve this growth.”

Sudhir Sekhi, Chairman AEPC in his address stated that, “Seven years ago we came with 70 exhibitors. This year we have 250 exhibitors from India; this is due to the collaborative effort of JIIPA and AEPC. We have come here with two objectives, first to increase RMG export from India to Japan and second to encourage and invite investment in the Indian RMG sector.”

Further, Chairman AEPC stated “I am happy to share that Indian garment factories are by and large ESG compliant. Indian garment factories are going high on usage of renewable energy, adoption of solar energy, zero liquid discharge, etc. India has come out with its own cotton brand in the name of Kasturi which would enable our global customers to track the entire textile value chain via traceability managed through block chain technology. Finally, we have the capacity to cater to all kinds of orders, big and small, from small size customised orders to large orders. My message, in nutshell, is that India is now ready to cater to markets like Japan and I am confident that with deeper engagements, our bilateral apparel trade will grow exponentially, he added.

AEPC bats for increasing RMG exportsSpeaking on the thrusting garment export Mithileshwar Thakur, Secretary General AEPC said, “Out of the total global garment import of USD 23 billion by Japan, India’s share is just one per cent. We foresee a strong business opportunity in Japan. India is an emerging economic powerhouse and is well poised to fill the gap created by the declining share of China in the Japanese market considering the fact that India has intrinsic strength in terms of fibre availability, minimal import dependence, presence of complete value chain in each fibre, demographic dividend, range and variety of Indian apparel offerings, renewed focus on quality & ESG compliance, industry-friendly textile policies of the central and state governments combined with ever improving business ecosystem.” After having established itself in traditional garments, the Indian apparel industry has now moved into newer areas of MMF garments, the Secretary General AEPC added.

With Indian apparel having duty free access to Japan under Indo-Japan CEPA as against 9% duty for Turkey and 9.5% for China, it makes business sense for Indian RMG manufacturers and exporters to participate in ITTF and explore this promising market.

AEPC delegation is meeting representatives of top brands and retail chains on the side-lines of this fair. Few of the prominent brands include- Fast Retailing Co. Ltd, Toray International Inc, World Co. Ltd, MN International, Adastria Co. Ltd, etc.

ITTF in three days will see participation of prominent Japanese buyers and some of the iconic Japanese brands including Sumitomo Corporation, MUJI, Toyoshima, Marubeni, Mitsubishi, Koyo trading, United Arrows, MYK Fashion, etc. who all will be there to source their requirements. Indian exhibitors from across the country will be displaying a diverse range of Indian RMG across various categories including summer and winter collection.
